DiSC Personality!

According to the DiSC assessment, my primary personality style is C - compliant, correct, cautious. The description in the overview that says "likes to take on passive roles and is task-oriented" is only half true. I am definitely task-oriented, thorough, precise, and am sensitive to criticism, however I definitely do NOT like to take on passive roles! I used to be really shy and quiet when I was very young; however, since middle school I've become increasingly outgoing, confident, and active. I prefer to be in charge of any situation or project I'm in, which is definitely why I want to be a director and leader in the theatre industry!

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I absolutely agree with my pattern name! I am a Chancellor (or Judge/One Who Upholds Truth). My strengths in communication and leadership are that I require correctness and that I am very aware of deadlines. I also "work tenaciously to resolve problems, combining accuracy with quick thinking." I consider myself pretty type A - I value organization, cleanliness, accuracy, and completeness - and I've always valued traditional schooling and intellect. I also give off an energetic style to motivate and excite my peers to both have fun, and also get things done. My weaknesses are that I "sometimes neglect careful planning and may jump into projects without thorough consideration." Also, when in a high pressure or stressful situation I tend to enforce and express my opinions without allowing other to have a voice. I absolutely do accept projects without thinking long term about the cost. For example, I agreed to help a friend out on a show she's working on, when I already am on the creative team of three other shows at the moment - I have a hard time saying no to opportunities. Speaking of being controlling, I do like to inject my opinion and only my opinion when I'm under pressure, because I only really trust myself to get a task done effectively and efficiently.

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The last sentence of my description says that "chancellors are always looking ahead to what new and exciting adventures they can jump into next." This is something I really hold close to my heart - I wrote my personal statement for college applications on the countdowns I make looking forward to the next big thing, and I am constantly searching for something new and exciting I can dive into!!

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All this information will make me a better teammate and leader because I can articulate my own strengths and weaknesses more clearly. I think I always knew these things about myself, now I just have a cleaner, easier way of talking about them. The DiSC system will simultaneously help me understand and empathize with my employees or teammates better because I can always understand their motivations and struggles. For example, if I knew someone didn't like change and took a long time to adjust to things, I could understand if they were becoming stressed with a change in routine or position. Overall, it will help everyone comprehend everyone's feelings and behaviors much better and love each other for who we are!

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